Learning from the Best of the Best
Students read from our collection of classic and contemporary works from the 19th to the 21st century. These short stories showcase some of the most outstanding and groundbreaking works of our literary canon.
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Why read short stories?
- Explore and analyze literary devices and narrative themes
- Study the mechanics and structure of good writing
- Prowl around in another universe and understand a variety of experiences
Students of literature become better thinkers, writers, and citizens of a global world.
Our Process
We use the same time-tested process as our Reading & Writing program, but with short stories instead of books. This is how it works:
Step One:
Students read classic and modern short stories across genres such as memoir, suspense, and science fiction, paying close attention to the author’s literary devices.
Step Two:
Students hone their vocabulary, respond to discussion questions, and think critically about the story on the essay.
Step Three:
Students revise their essay based on teacher feedback correcting grammar, fixing organization, and tightening their argument with thoughtful analysis and strong evidence.
SpiderSmart Book Trailer
Gift of the Magi
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